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26 octubre, 2018

Proyecto Hombre takes part in the 9th European Society for Prevention Research

Last October took place the 9th European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) Conference and Members’ Meeting in Lisbon. Proyecto Hombre participated in this event introducing the poster titled «School and Family Prevention Program Evaluation ‘Juego de LLaves'». Proyecto Hombre was represented by Mª Paz de la Puente Martín, president of the Proyecto Hombre Association’s National Commission on Prevention.

This Proyecto Hombre Association’s National Commission on Prevention in Spain, together with the Córdoba University evaluation team, design the assesment of the emotional and social impact of the School and Family Prevention Program «Juego de Llaves».

To read the full text (in Spanish) click here.


57Congreso Europeo Prevencion Proyecto Hombre

Mª Paz de la Puente, president of the Proyecto Hombre Association’s National Commission on Prevention.

57Congreso Europeo Prevencion Proyecto Hombre2

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