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22 mayo, 2019


Proyecto Hombre held last week its International Days focused on Labour Insertion. During two days, members from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities, the European Social Fund and  the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs & Social Welfare attended this event in which 20 international organizations participated. Among them, Ashoka, Action Against Hunger and Red Cross.


Between 2016 and 2020, INSOLA will provide job-orientated training and/or access to the work environment to 4,600 people.

If working is an important part of anybody’s life, for those who overcome an addiction it represents a double challenge: facing up to a new life with a past which is not easily accepted in society. Of the people who attend treatment at Proyecto Hombre, a high percentage have a job which, as a result of addiction, they tend to lose shortly before entering. This is why Proyecto Hombre, as well as helping users it receives to overcome addiction problems, it encourages and motivates them to keep learning in order to boost their socio-labour insertion.

Between 2016 and 2020, the Socio-Labour Integration project for people with Addiction problems (INSOLA), carried out by the Proyecto Hombre Association together with the European Social Fund, will make it possible for more than 4,600 people to acquire job-orientated training and/or access to the work environment. And for those who have overcome an addiction process, incorporating into a new job empowers them and helps them to reactivate skills and activities they thought they had forgotten. But before the person can take up a job, there is a previous recuperation process in which the motivation to change, effort and perserverance allows him/her to go back to believing in him/herself and in the future. Afterwards there is practical training, which is no less important. Writing a CV or receiving advice on labour orientation here are signs of looking at tomorrow with hope and high levels of motivation.

Both Proyecto Hombre and the organisations which here reflect their socio-labour integration plans show a shared interest in offering new opportunities to people at risk of social exclusion. There are also laws which stress the importance of providing the reinsertion of these groups. But ultimately, the keys are each and every one of the people involved, as they are the ones who have the ability to offer working prospects.

From Proyecto Hombre we would like to thank the European Social Fund, the Government of Spain and all the organisations that have taken part in these conferences, the trust placed in these people who require a new chance in this long-distance race of socio-labour incorporation, in which this trust is its main support.

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